Talcon Star City Page 10
Three transport cars up, a creature had materialized in the conveyance; it resembled an eerie, glowing, nightmarish monster with tentacles whipping about. One tentacle wrapped around a space marine and drew him toward its mouth. The marine fired his weapon, which seemed to only irritate the thing. The marine began to scream with pain, as he was pulled into the creature’s yellow-green, glowing, mouth. His uniform began to burn and vaporize, and then he was burned. Then another tentacle grabbed and wrapped around another marine who had entered the hall from the opposite side.
Ares was in the chamber first, Sheppard following after. Ares fired her weapon, and Sheppard began a Star Knight discipline, using telekinesis to push back a tentacle headed in his direction. The creature was slightly transparent and not fully solid. He could see that with his normal sight, But then, using an ability for temporary visual enhancement, he made the distinction clearer.
Commander Taylor had taken out her scanning device and started a probing scan. “I am picking up proto-matter and some plasma generated from its central portion,” Sharon said, as she moved into the chamber and pulled back from a tentacle.
Renjir had also entered the compartment and looked in horror at the injured marine and the tentacles swirling about. He removed a small, curved blade used for ceremonial practice or for trimming wing feathers and activated the energy source in the blade, setting it to full output, not the usual setting. He then severed the tentacle that was holding a crew member, helping the crew member to safety.
From the other entrance, Lt. Commander Darani observed that the creature moved away from Renjir. She was not the only person who noticed. Sheppard and Ares saw as well. Within moments, a mist filled the area, and the creature became more insubstantial until it vanished. The harm was done, however, as two marines were unconscious and had been severely burned and three others injured by the tentacles.
“These two will need a medical evacuation. The others are in no immediate medical emergency,” said Lt. Naden, who had arrived from the forward compartment in time to see the creature vanish.
“That was aggressive,” Garfield said, coming into the entrance to the chamber. “I scanned the area, and there is a matter translocation pad similar to a transmat in the area below.”
“We are getting closer to the Talcon stasis facility. The closest stop is only a few more minutes away at this speed,” Naden said. The conveyance had exited the tunnel area only moments ago. Sheppard watched some structures pass by outside the view portals and realized they had passed into an industrial area at least as vast as the previous open area. This section had lofty buildings and parks and what appeared to be living areas.
Sheppard turned around as Sharon moved toward him. “According to the sensor readings I just did,” Taylor said, “these marines have plasma burns.”
“Ares, arrange a return trip to the Phoenix for the injured crew,” Sheppard said.
“Yes, Sir,” Ares responded.
Garfield walked over closer to Sheppard. “I influenced the Accad to pursue some technical information, and that should delay them.”
Sheppard nodded. “I don’t suppose you have a method to influence the Talcon internal defense computer.”
“That remains to be seen,” Garfield replied. “However, I can arrange to block this conveyance’s matter conversion system so we are not disturbed for the remainder of this transit time. He pulled out his adaptable device, which was in multiscanner form. The device began to alter shape as Garfield manipulated it while walking closer to where the train’s only matter conversion device was embedded under the compartment’s floor. “The Varlon are not the only ones with nanotechnology capable of interfering with advanced power systems’ technology. I have activated some impediments; we should be safe here now.”
“The internal defense is a formidable deterrent,” Sheppard said. “But we need to press forward and contact the Talcon before the Accad get reinforcements.”
“Yes, it’s an interesting defense,” Garfield replied. “The internal defense system is able to move unstable matter into actual physical manifestation, creating a matter matrix based on images scanned from a person’s mind. It seems to have two modes, the first of which is to frighten.”
“And the next mode to kill,” Sheppard said. “Especially our persistent Alliance marines.”
Sheppard had noticed that Darani had been talking with Sharon. “This internal security system impedes the progress of this mission,” Darani said in frustration.
“I agree, and the energy levels are now increased from those of my earlier scans and appear to be high enough to kill,” Taylor replied.
Ares watched as the marines were treated for the burns and stabilized by the medical officer in preparation for their return to the Phoenix. She went over to Ambassador Renjir. “Sir, I liked the way you used your blade to slice the tentacle. I’m somewhat of a martial arts enthusiast.”
“Yes, I had combat training during my military career. I had to do something. I could not stand by and watch people getting injured,” Renjir replied. “After I realized it was not approaching me, I went on the offensive.”
“I noticed that too,” Ares said.
“So did I,” Lieutenant Commander Darani said, as she moved toward the ambassador and Ares. “I believe if the defense computer registered more Talcon, it would leave us alone. Ambassador, would you please grasp my hands?”
“Grasp your hands, why?” Renjir asked.
“I am a metamorph and can alter my shape,” Darani said. “I have been studying you and your mannerisms and require only to align myself to complete a transformation.” Darani held Renjir’s feathered hand and began to shift slowly at first, then more rapidly. Wings sprouted, and her face and mouth became bird-like and then more Talcon. Her voice was higher pitched and more musical when she tried speaking in Alliance standard. “I have completed the transformation. Perhaps the presence of another Talcon will also dissuade the defense computer from attacking, as I believe we are going to get to our stop soon and have to exit.”
Looking out the conveyance’s windows, Renjir stared closely at a magnificent, almost palatial building with silvery towers and several flickering lights that they approached and then passed. It was emblazoned with a symbol. Renjir made a high-pitched whine. “This is not just an entire colony ship; it is the Eyre of Prince Kir.”
“Ambassador, what did you say?” Sheppard asked, looking back at the palatial building.
“The royals are somewhat secretive. They would not overtly advertise on the outside of the Star City who was aboard,” Renjir said.
“I thought the Talcon had an elected government,” Sharon said.
“Yes, we do, but in the home galaxy, there is an old guard leadership in addition to the elected officials. Some of the royals are wealthy, and some actually have influential businesses and yet still hold ancient titles passed down their family lines.”
“The Talcon have something similar to the Karratin House of Lords and Regents,” Garfield said, “but we have an elected chancellor rather than kings or princes. The Karratin lords are more like space barons or governors, and region titles can be passed through family lines or to those who legally acquire the region.”
“The Talcon princes usually have some direct authority to rule and are normally capable leaders with education to be able to accomplish more than figure head duties,” Renjir said. “A few hold hereditary power in some areas. It’s actually a throwback to an earlier time in Talcon history.”
Within minutes, the Talcon conveyance came to a halt, and the doors opened, allowing everyone to disembark except the injured, one of the medical officers, and two space marines to support the wounded. Ares had the rest of the group members spread out into two teams—one to go on point to protect the central group and the other to locate the stasis facility.
The Star City continued along its interrupted course in space; as it approached the coordinate
s for status check, the alarm activated according to protocol. The alarm was also transmitted to the internal defense computer, which was fighting a battle against some alien nanotechnology that was trying to affect ship systems. So far, the main hyper drive was still offline. Anti-nanotech machines were being routed to begin repair, along with macro-sized robotic engineering and repair units to restore the systems.
The alarm activated a series of protocols, and the first Talcon to be reanimated were placed in the queue for the awakening process. The process began in many of the stasis facilities. In the Prime Stasis facility, the automated activation sequence was activated for the executive officers and the royal family. They would be amongst the first to be awakened from stasis.
At first, his vision was blurry, but then it cleared; Kir, one of the Talcon princes, rose from the liquid-gel, padded stasis pod. He looked at one of his chamberlains and asked if they had arrived safely. He was shown displays of the attack by the Accad and an ally, as well as of the arrival of the other alien ships that appeared to be enemies of the Accad. Only a few officers were yet awake, so Kir accessed the computer, linking his mind to the central network. He was angered that someone’s nanotechnology had compromised the internal defense computer, and the defense system could eventually be co-opted without intervention. This must be from the aliens who were fighting with the Accad.
He knew he had to act soon. The Star City had been damaged, and without the Talcon crew operating the warcraft and the defense stations, the Accad had damaged the hull with a relatively small attack force. That breach had allowed their allies to send nanobots to attack Star City systems. This somehow caused a malfunction in the internal city defense system. Prince Kir finished reading the reports. Noting that his officers were beginning to look into matters and others were being awakened, he moved to completely clothe himself for battle. There was still a patrol of Accad onboard, and as he left, he glanced at a long-range scan indicating that the Accad starships were following them and probably waiting for reinforcements.
* * *
“This seems to be a residential area,” Sheppard said, as he walked next to the metal and crystalline structures.
“The Talcon have an interesting architecture, combining metals with what appear to be huge crystals,” Taylor said.
“I hope you like the crystalline metal matrix,” Renjir interjected. “We actually use matter converters to grow the structures.”
“Sir, we have recently detected elevated power readings in some of the nearby structures,” Ares said.
“If you don’t mind, I’m going to fly now; the gravity here is a little less than on your ship, and it will be easy for me to exercise my wings,” Renjir said. “I will look for disturbances and warn you if I see anything,” he added, as he readied for flight. He took a short run and sprang into the air.
“I can’t blame him. He has probably felt cooped up with us,” Sheppard said, smiling as he looked at Sharon Taylor. She smiled back.
“I think you’re right. He probably wanted to fly since we have arrived,” Sharon said.
“Might I join him, Sir?” Darani asked in her Talcon form. “I have not been in flying form for some time.”
“Fine by me, but you might want to stay close to us,” Sheppard replied.
“Aye, Sir,” Darani replied. She seemed to become happier and then ran and jumped into the air and flew circles over the group as they walked among the crystalline structures.
As they continued to move away from the conveyance facility, Garfield walked over to Sheppard. “If we Star Knights flew without wings, as some of us can for short periods, it would probably be considered showing off.” Garfield smiled as he looked up at the Talcon ambassador.
“Yes, the wings make it legitimate,” Sheppard replied, smiling back. “You have that concerned look.”
“Well, I have been talking with the few trained engineers in this search party,” Garfield said. “We are seeing power fluctuations and possibly matter conversion devices scattered in this area. Another attack on us could be imminent.”
“That is not all that concerns you,” Sheppard said.
“No, the few remaining Accad are headed toward the power facility, and they mean to destroy it. They have taken casualties, but they have an Androsynth with them, and it has not been affected by the levels of energy used against it so far.”
“Freg, not one of those dam ‘synths. They can self-detonate,” Sheppard said. He remembered the Androsynths that subtly invaded Star One not long ago. They could not be scanned until Garfield designed new scanners to detect them. “I still occasionally think about the one who tried to assassinate me after I got my promotion.”
“Yes, the Androsynths can be deadly. There is also the matter of the internal defense system,” Garfield said. “I have detected Varlon nanomachines, and they may be co-opting the system now.”
“I think we may need to split up,” Sheppard said. “I will look for the Talcon stasis facility. Renjir should be able to get that going—and perhaps you—”
“Will find the location of the Varlon nanomachines and create a nano-battle force,” Garfield finished for Sheppard. “I will take three trained engineers and two marines. I think I can repair the internal defense system or at least neutralize the Varlon co-option. The internal defense system has failed to scan my mind, so I will be safe.”
“I really would not want to see what a Star Knight of your ability might be afraid of, and I know you will keep the other crew with you safe,” Sheppard said.
“Of course, and Sharon should be able to help Renjir decipher the mechanics of the Talcon stasis devices,” Garfield replied. “I will gather my group and move out.”
Sheppard called out to his group. “I have been informed that the Accad have an Androsynth with them and that Varlon nanomachines are in the process of co-opting Talcon systems. As we have seen no Talcon, we will take the initiative to try to stop this worsening condition. Admiral Garfield will take a group to locate and remediate the disruptive nanotechnology, and I will continue to lead the rest toward one of the stasis facilities we have located.” Sheppard heard some brief murmurs about the Androsynth’s presence. The groups split up, and Sheppard’s search team moved deeper into the crystalline buildings.
“Commodore Sheppard,” Ares said, “I have given orders to calibrate and scan for the Androsynth’s presence.”
“You also think it’s likely that the ‘synth will try to kill some Talcon in stasis?” Sheppard asked.
“Yes, Sir, I do,” Ares replied. “I will have the encircling marine patrol watch for it.”
“There are at least three stasis facilities at varying distances,” Sharon said, moving toward Sheppard from the side as they walked. “I think there is even one in the palatial buildings we passed on the conveyance, but the scans were not entirely clear.”
“Then let’s try the closest,” Sheppard said, looking at Sharon’s scan display. “The palatial one is farther and would be more than an hour’s brisk walk.” They continued to walk at a good pace toward the stasis facility, passing several other buildings.
“Sir, the marines guarding our periphery have detected the presence of Varlon nanobots,” Ares said.
“What direction?” Sheppard asked.
“I’m looking at the scans now; they just streamed the scan result to me,” interjected Commander Taylor in science officer mode. “It appears to be Varlon tech. It’s probably from scattered projectiles released from a main torpedo. The Varlon launched hundreds of nanomachine torpedoes during the battle.”
“The Talcon Star City’s automated point defense and anti-missile weapons destroyed many of those torpedoes before they impacted,” Ares said.
“Ok, let’s avoid that area,” Sheppard replied.
The team continued moving around the Talcon buildings and residential structures. It was somewhat eerie, since there was no one but the search team. One of the members sneezed, possibly a reaction to some dust or other irritant a
s they all continued toward the stasis facility.
* * *
Meanwhile, Garfield headed toward the area’s central defense facility and the Varlon nanotech that was interfering with its operation. He watched as the engineering crew located some contaminant as he prepared anti-nanobots using his multifunction devices and a supply of nano-particle fluid he had trans-located to his position from one of his laboratories through his sentient starship, the Zeloc.
“Sir, found a few dead Accad, up ahead near the facility,” the space marine said. “They blasted a small hole in the building’s side.”
“Yes, we need to proceed with caution. I have completed this anti-nano machine spray,” Garfield said. He gave canisters to the engineers. “Apply where you find larger scanable quantities of the Varlon nano-devices. Now, let’s head to the building.” He drew a pulsed particle weapon from his clothes, activated both a psionic inertial barrier and a device that projected a personal force field, then moved forward with the space marines. “Use the spray where you scan the Varlon nano-devices.”
Sir, there’s fog ahead, and scanners are showing an energy spike nearby,” said Lt. Fral, one of the engineering officers.
“Time to impede the unstable matter manifestation,” Garfield said, as he located the forming proto-matter construct and set his multiscanner to impede it. “Now we should not be bothered for a time, so let’s use these anti-nanomachine sprayers on the Varlon nanobots as we approach and enter the facility.” The others nodded as they continued forward.
* * *
“Perimeter alert, Sir,” Ares said on the commlink. “Scanners show there is an energy increase in the area ahead.”
“I will investigate, Sir,” Darani said through the commlink as she glided in Talcon form overhead.
“Just what we need as we approach the stasis facilities door,” Sheppard said.