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Talcon Star City Page 11
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Page 11
“There is some kind of mist forming again, and something is manifesting,” Taylor said, as she looked ahead and glanced at her scanning device. Just then, strange, ethereal background music could be heard, and then power systems slowly began to come online, as buildings and full lighting began to illuminate the region.
Renjir, seeing the manifestation of a nightmarish monster with multiple tentacles whipping about, swooped down and struck the forming horror with his shearing knife. Some crew moved back as Lieutenant Commander Darani in Talcon form also came down and interposed herself between the monster and some of the crew, including Commodore Sheppard.
* * *
The marines and engineers with Admiral Garfield were inside as the full lighting came on. Up ahead, they could see a few Accad, and they were using a device to drain off the energy of one of the defense computers manifestations. The engineers continued spraying the anti-nanomachines Garfield had created in several areas on the way inside the facility. For expedience, they had gone through the blasted section in the building. Garfield had been using jamming and other countermeasures that his morphing hand-sensor device could do to mask their approach.
Garfield led the engineers and marines to another section of the large building while the Accad were occupied. They began scanning in one of the security section’s system access rooms. “Let’s run a system diagnostic,” Garfield said. He allowed the engineers with him a little time to find a solution; however, due to time constraints, he linked his multifunction device to the Talcon computer. “It seems more power systems are coming on,” Garfield said.
“Sir, could that mean the Talcon are wakening?” Lt. Fral asked.
“Yes, I think they are,” the Admiral replied. “This diagnostic indicates that a section of the main AI computer was damaged after antimatter torpedoes breached the exterior and allowed access to nano-torpedo devices. The Varlon machines could not co-opt the device but did damage this complex computer system in some way. As a result, the system became more aggressive after we did not leave, following the frightening warnings it issued. I will link this information to Sheppard.”
Suddenly, the Androsynth scanned them and headed toward Garfield’s team. The ‘synth was of Jiyarr design. A disrupting weapon took one of the marines down; it seriously injured him and rendered him temporarily stunned. The other marine fired off a few rounds at the ‘synth, but it dodged the first blast and closed at extremely rapid speed; thus, the other shots only melted small pieces of it. Then the ‘synth fired its weapon, partially striking the marine. The Androsynth moved forward very rapidly then grabbed the marine and roughly flung him into the air while activating its internal auto repair system to repair its systems. It was in termination mode and moved to the system’s access room where the three engineers and Garfield were.
Garfield had concentrated and, using his Star Knight disciplines, caused the Androsynth’s weapon to malfunction. Jiyarr ‘synths tended to have psionic dampeners as defensive devices. The ‘synth’s hand weapon, however, did not fire. As the Androsynth moved forward to strike physically, it encountered a barrier that prevented it from entering. Garfield informed the engineers that they were safe for now. He had finished his diagnostic on the damaged Talcon system and initiated a repair program to help the computer cope with the Varlon nanomachines affecting it.
Garfield then concentrated his will, and using psychokinetic disciplines on the Androsynth, caused its circuitry to overload, breaching past its psionic dampeners. The ‘synth slumped, and electrical discharges cascaded across it for a few moments. Garfield sensed that some Talcon had revived and were even now dealing with the remaining Accad.
“Let’s see to the marine’s medical aid; it’s time to leave and rejoin the others,” Garfield said.
* * *
Two Talcon swooped down near where Sheppard, his marines, and Renjir and Darani were fighting the multi-tentacled proto-matter manifestation. One appeared in a ceremonial uniform, the other dressed more like a marine or guard. The well-dressed one spoke in Talcon, and the translators carried by the Phoenix group worked to translate the dialect. “Local defense initiate temporary shut down by order of Prince Kir.”
The tentacled creature vanished as the defense systems recognized the Talcon’s authority. Renjir partially kneeled on one knee and bent his wing briefly as he addressed Prince Kir. “Your Highness, I am Renjir Felkestaar from the Talcon colonies in this region of space and have come to this Star City to help the Alliance of Worlds contact the leaders in the Star Cities presently in this galaxy.”
Sheppard realized that other Talcon were approaching and ordered his marines to stand down.
Kir nodded. “I have been observing you for the last hour or so. I have also reviewed the data from the recent battle. Unfortunately, our revival process was interfered with and delayed.”
“Sir, I am acting Fleet Admiral Sheppard, and I represent the Alliance of Worlds.” We attempted to render aid when the Accad and the Varlon attacked this Star City.”
“Yes, I have seen a portion of the battle information, and I thank you and the Karratin who rendered aid to us. We have sent an assault squad to deal with the Accad and a medical team to assist your other group near one of our defense stations.”
There was a whirring as Garfield appeared nearby, having used a Star Knight discipline that allowed translocation. “Thank you for the medical support, Your Highness; one marine will need a few hours of restoration.”
“I apologize for the defense facilities’ malfunction and the harm it caused,” Kir said. “And you must be the Karratin Lord of whom my subordinate informed me.”
“Yes, Your Highness. May I present Duke Garfield of Karro,” Renjir said formally. “He serves as chief science officer for the sixth fleet and advisor to Commodore Sheppard through an officer exchange program.”
“Pleased to meet Your Highness,” Garfield said, as he nodded with a slight bow, which in turn prompted Prince Kir to give a slight bow back. “Also may I inform you, I was able to generate nanomachines to repair several small areas of damage,” Garfield said.
“Excellent start, Lord Garfield,” Prince Kir replied. “Even now, my recently awakened engineers are working on several solutions, and by now have developed a strategy to deal with the dangerous Varlon Nano machines.”
“Your Highness,” Renjir said, bowing, “if we could perhaps adjourn to discuss our next steps.”
“Yes,” Sheppard said, “I would like to request an alliance against common enemies and perhaps a trade treaty.”
“Eventually, I will have time to discuss things, although I believe we already have some kind of limited trade treaty with the Karratins and the Hegemony,” Kir replied. “Right now, I have to work with my officers to mobilize. Once more of my people have awakened, I will send warships against the Accad and their Allies, the Varlon, who chose to attack us while we slept.” The Talcon leader nodded to Renjir and Garfield.
“I believe that Prince Kir has a lot on his mind now,” Garfield stated. “I’m sure he will want to arrange some formal treaty with the Alliance of Worlds once he learns the status of things.”
“That makes sense,” Sheppard replied. “I need to get back to fleet command duty; I shouldn’t let Sherman run things more than necessary.”
Renjir had moved a short distance away and had been talking with another Talcon. He approached Commodore Sheppard. “I can stay for a while. If you leave a legation team, we can work to arrange some preliminary treaty steps for when an Alliance of Worlds ambassador arrives here.”
“I suppose you will arrange to have your spacecraft moved,” Sharon said, moving toward Renjir.
“I have initiated the remote control, and that will be done soon,” Renjir replied. “I will keep in contact with you, Admiral Sheppard. They are aware here of your brave attempt to help, and that will count toward this Star City’s ruling assembly’s decision to form some kind of alliance with you.” Renjir saluted Sheppard and Garfield in the Tal
con fashion and then left to converse with some other Talcon who had arrived.
“Well, I’m glad this is over,” Darani added. She had morphed back to her previous humanoid form. “It was nice to fly again for a short time.”
“No, actually, it’s just beginning,” Garfield said as he contacted his starship, the Zeloc, and opened a portal to his ship. “I need to contact the Hegamony leadership.” Sheppard watched as a spatial rift formed, probably using his multiscanner as a reference point, and Garfield stepped through and was gone. Sheppard’s team headed to the Talcon conveyance for a trip back to the Phoenix.
Sheppard looked at the looming Star City on the main view screen as Captain Wilder gave orders for the Phoenix to leave the region. He watched as the sleek Talcon cruisers came out of the Star City in a steady stream from multiple points to reinforce perimeter defenses. The Accad and Varlon fleet had moved on once the Talcon ships started to move out of the Star City.
“Well, at least they are against the Accad,” Wilder said.
“I at least wanted to lay the groundwork for a treaty, but they were not ready,” Sheppard replied.
“An ambassador will be sent soon from Star One,” Sherman said, coming out of the command alcove area to the bridge. “We have transmitted our reports, and sending an official ambassador is the next step.”
“You are right; however, if the Accad have enough of those Jiyarr ships, we could have a problem,” Sheppard said, “especially if we don’t get more help soon, now that the Varlon have joined with the Accad.”
“Having to deal with the Varlon is difficult enough because of their technological advantage,” First Officer York said.
“And the Accad being in the mix will cause us serious problems if they continue to combine their advanced technologies,” Wilder said. “And no one else offers to provide equivalent help,” Wilder added more softly.
“Sir, I have some preliminary scans of the Talcon ships,” Andor said. “As noted before, they have an organo-crystalline hull, and the Talcon starship has some unusual life signs attached to the hull body. It may be an absorptive hull like the Varlon and Accad have.”
“Continue your analysis, Commander Andor,” Wilder said.
“Another thing the sensors brought up is that near the battle area, BradCorp, ZericCorp, and various other members of the corporate sector have scouts and salvage ships looking through the battle wreckage,” Sherman said.
“That’s to be expected,” Sheppard said. “Sometimes the corporate vultures see revenue in wreckage—even in our own ships built by competing manufacturers.”
“Well, we do have some good news, Sir, recently received,” Sherman said. “Evidently the Aharri have signed an affiliation treaty with us and will be sending a fleet. Part of that fleet is under the command of Klein Harrolid, the Aharri fleet captain who helped us at QB7.”
“That is good news,” Sheppard said.
“Fleet command has given us rendezvous coordinates to meet his task force,” Sherman said. “We are to integrate them into our fleet.”
“Well, set course then,” Sheppard said. He took one last view of the immense Talcon world ship as he watched Wilder give orders for the Phoenix and the sixth fleet’s Task Force One to leave the area. Sherman had Task Force Four continue its previous patrols.
* * *
Meanwhile, on New Accadia, Lord Governor Mor’ag was conversing with his ally, one of the senior most Varlon. He watched his ally, the Varlon Imperial Senator Melkirot, as he moved to initiate the order to continue the Varlon Star Empire’s expansion into the next sector. The Varlon Presidium, called the Icarria—which consisted of the Varlon Senate and its young emperor, along with his ministerial cabinet—had decided to renew the attacks against the Alliance of Worlds, the Cynz, the Tenoid, even the Hegemony. This was before they decided to agree to an alliance with the Accad. The Varlon had agreed to cease hostilities against the Saldron, as the Accad believed they could get a treaty with them, another reptilian species.
It was the Accad who wanted to take on the Betellians, and with their combined forces, such a plan could possibly work—and the Varlon were interested in getting some of the Betellians’ construction technology. They could build planetary rings and other large structures, but not at the level of the Betellians. Expansion was required, as the Varlon population had continued to grow. The Varlon were ready for further expansion now that an alliance treaty against the Tenoid resolved the skirmishes with the Ceyloom.
Senator Melkirot inserted one of his tentacles through his chitinous arm and deftly manipulated the controls to secure his end of the communication. Melkirot, a member of the space military advisory committee, was going over recent military reports with Mor’ag. It was something they did on a weekly basis. The joint missions were new for both the Accad and the Varlon.
“I thought when the Varlon senior senators of the Raltair agreed to go on joint missions with you, there would be rapid victories,” Melkirot said.
“It seems that our first important joint mission against a powerful foe was a failure,” Mor’ag said.
“Perhaps if you or the Accadian commanding that fleet had provided more detailed information about the Talcon defenses,” Melkirot replied, “the Varlon strike force could have done better.”
“The Talcon can be dangerous,” Mor’ag said. “I will need to step up mining plans over the next few Tzuras before the Talcon establish a region of control.”
Melkirot said, “The Varlon are still committed to expanding our fleets, but we have yet to complete additional fleet construction; that is why we accepted allied forces.”
“It’s also unfortunate that the Alliance of Worlds arrived with a large fleet, and some type of Karratin defense cruiser arrived as well,” Mor’ag said.
“We can usually easily deal with the Alliance ships; however, the reports I have examined indicate that the Alliance upgraded some of its star ships, and the combination of attacking the Talcon Star City and having to deal with the Alliance fleet arrival was too much for the small fleet we assembled on short notice,” Melkirot replied.
“Yes, the interference they caused allowed the automated defenses on the Star City to activate and eventually force our retreat,” Mor’ag said, as he watched the arthropodic Varlon manipulate some device on his viewing display with his dexterous, tentacle fingers.
“You stated you would have Accadian starships to back up our future strike fleets and long-range torpedo attacks on Hegemony, Betellian, and Alliance of Worlds targets,” Melkirot said.
“Yes, starships will be ready to support your long-range strikes,” Mor’ag replied.
“Good, we are almost in position with the first new launching facility,” Melkirot said. “Being closer and attacking from a different strike vector soon means they will have few early detection capabilities.”
“Yes, that will get some long-range torpedoes through until they install detectors and hyperspace interceptors, if they even have access to that,” Mor’ag said.
“We have recently launched and tested several longrange torpedoes from different launching points within the Rhendal sector at a few Alliance colonies still in that sector,” Melkirot said.
“That has caused the Alliance of Worlds to bring in more ships to try to intercept them,” Mor’ag said.
“Of course; however, once we have new targeting solutions and pathways, we will strike at the central command of the Alliance of Worlds,” Melkirot said, “the place they call Star One.” Senator Melkirot then oscillated his arthropod head section chelicerae in amusement.
“Since it seems the Varlon already have a torpedo-launching plan and new facilities, or will complete construction of new ones soon, the Accad will continue our tactical support,” Mor’ag said. “Now I must meet with my supreme governor, Kra’ag.” The communication ended as Mor’ag left his private command chamber and moved through the corridors toward the building where the su
preme governor was housed temporarily, until his new governor’s palace could be completed. The infrastructure of the impressive building was already in place, and the underground structures had been built. It was going to be a magnificent architectural site, with cultural and military functions, and would be finished in several Zilakhs.
Kra’ag had been busy conducting searches for other Quellien-containing worlds, as well as overseeing some of the shipyard construction. He had devoted several ships to the search, even spending some of his own time. The guards recognized Mor’ag and bowed, allowing him entrance to where the supreme governor was. Mor’ag smiled as the females Lord Kra’ag had bought for his amusement moved thorough the living space. The Accad had families now, although it was not that long ago, only a few generations, that the Jiyarr cloned and hatched their Accadian warriors. Some Jiyarr might still do so when the need arose for rapid troop movement. However, now most were born and hatched, then kept by their parents until past the age of childhood as with the Jiyarr.
As Mor’ag entered a large circular chamber that reminded him of a command center and an audience chamber combined, his cousin Kra’ag stood from his almost regal chair and moved toward him.
“So, Mor’ag, you are the bearer of bad news. I have heard already about the Talcon,” he said.
“Well, then, you know that we did not fully succeed,” Mor’ag replied. “We did delay them, but the retrieval teams did not return; one of the Jiyarr ‘synths transmitted as detailed of a report about the Star City as it could. The Varlon nanomachine torpedoes did not destroy the Star City; however, they perhaps were able to affect the internal defense system.”
“It’s unfortunate they did not cripple it. The Talcon are not as technologically backward as most of the enemies the Varlon deal with,” Kra’ag said. “Anyway, now I will have the opportunity to attack the Star City myself.”
“Since you have not mentioned it, you may not be aware. Those troops that were able to land on the Star City saw evidence within it that this Star City and likely the other one following along the same course belong to Prince Kir,” Mor’ag said.